Angels Without Wings

There are people in this world that are like Angels, but they do not have wings. Why did I say Angels without wings? Because they are human beings in a person of an Angel.

 We believe angels have a good heart and protect kind, good people around us. They help the poor and the weak, feed the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. They are courageous individuals and brave enough to face fear. They don’t give up until they have implemented their mission.

That is how I describe “Glenn Ratcliffe”, he is one of the angels on this planet for he has a mission to bring love and unity to a broken world. He wants to bring spiritual liberation to the masses. Including all the artists that have no voice and are not allowed to have their voices heard. He has the mission to bring unity and peace to the shattered system of this world. He is a spirit-filled human being that we can rely on. We can always trust him and his partner Darryl Marshak, and Jewels Lubin for they already built their name through time in the movie industry. 


In this matter, we would like to help him spread his mission to the whole world. I am going to attach to this blog his interview which will be viewed on page 49 of the Poze magazine.

In regards to this matter, we also would like to find someone to support his mission by investing in Tested Productions LLC (


Or help us fund the movie by donating via PayPal:

"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love" -Mother Teresa-

Thank you very much. God Bless us all.






